• Constructed Response Rubric





    The student answers the question accurately.

    The student only partially answers the question.

    The student's answer is completely incorrect, illegible or left blank

    Text details

    The student supports his/her answer with relevant text based details.

    The student partially supports his/her answer with text based details (not enough as asked by the question or unclear)

    The student's answer does not provide text based support, is incorrect, illegible or blank


    The student has minimal errors of grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and/or spelling


    The student has several errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation and/or spelling, but the errors do not interfere with understanding


    The student has many errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.

    Holistic grading should be used to determine if a student has scored a 2, 1 or 0.
    Click here to download the rubric.