• Photography Photography

    Instructor - Mr. Chuck Poe


    Learn techniques the professionals use! Learn to produce quality images, set up professional studio lighting, incorporate software applications including pixel detail, scan old photos and repair damage. Become skilled at photo manipulation by importing and exporting files properly to eliminate detail loss. Correct procedures to display your images for competitions will also be demonstrated.

    The marketing and advertising industry considers digital knowledge a major requirement for employment consideration. The impact of promoting your personal talents or artwork to prospective employers, colleges, or clients using images you create and save to a CD or DVD media has impressive results.

    In the first year you will learn to use digital equipment and software media with confidence, including editing techniques, special effects, and those "behind the scenes" methods used to accomplish prize winning imagery. Creating for the advertising market while understanding copyright laws is also emphasized.

    This course may be repeated for a second year for an additional two credits. Expansion of the techniques learned in the first year class will be used to produce portfolio quality work. Advanced students must have a satisfactory grade their first year of Digital Imaging class and supply their own equipment to be eligible for consideration. Please see instructor for specific details before enrolling. This class also includes the opportunity to pursue embedded communication arts credit.

    Power Standards for Photography