• Highlights of Board of Education Meeting

    January 14, 2013



    The Camdenton R-III Board of Education met in Regular Session in the Administration Building Board Room on Monday, January 14, 2013.  The meeting was called to order by President Masterson at 5:30 p.m.  The pledge of allegiance was recited.


    The Camdenton R-III School District Board of Education recognizes the unique perspectives held by students on issues impacting the school district. Therefore, two high school students of the Camdenton R-III School District will serve as nonvoting advisors to the Board pursuant to policy.  President Masterson welcomed the first two advisors, Kyler Virtue and Sarah Wages.



    Terry Stoll with the maintenance department was recognized as the December “Classified Employee of the Month.”  Cindy Campbell, Hurricane Deck Elementary secretary, was recognized as the January “Classified Employee of the Month.” 



    A.     Approve Minutes and Documentation of Regular Meeting – December 10, 2012 & Special Meeting December 18, 2012

    B.     Excellence in Education Nominations

    Dogwood Elementary

    Jamin English

    Hawthorn Elementary

    Barb Anderson

    Hawthorn Elementary

    Beverly Eichholz

    Oak Ridge Intermediate

    Tiffany Mellencamp

    Middle School

    Pat McWhirter

    High School/Horizons

    Melinda Whitney


    Cassie Wilmes

    Hurricane Deck Elementary

    Kathy Oelschlager

    Osage Beach Elementary

    Jonelle Yannotta

    C.     Approve Student Advisors to the Board Kyler Virtue and Sarah Wages


                    The Board approved consent items as presented.





    Mr. Dick Bartow from George K. Baum & Company and Michael Kautz and Dr. Kenny Southwick from ACI/Frangkiser Hutchens were in-District to provide updated information regarding refinancing options and possible construction projects.  Documents regarding population, enrollment, class size recommendations, suggested square footage, drawings, cost estimates, survey results, building data history, refinancing information, and sample ballot language were reviewed.


    The District has three general obligation bond issues and one lease purchase outstanding.  Mr. Bartow presented a couple levy options, option 1 bond issue for $35 million with a net increase of $0.10 and option 2 for $43 million with a net increase of zero.


    Option 1)  Leave lease purchase in capital projects fund and run a general obligation bond in April.  This would be a $0.10 increase in debt service levy, issued over a period of time.


    Option 2)  Move capital projects levy to the debt service fund.  This would raise the debt service fund and lower the capital projects fund.  This is a no-tax levy increase through restructuring.  This issue would be on the April ballot.


    With either option, the ballot language is going to read as though it is a tax increase.  The District can rearrange so it is actually a no-tax increase.  If the Board decides to run an issue in April, paperwork needs to be to the county by January 29, 2013.


    Selynn joined the meeting via telephone.


    Architect Michael Kautz explained what the process would look like and what needs to happen if the Board chooses to move forward with the construction project.  Mr. Kautz shared a preliminary schedule for an April 2013 bond issue.  Dr. Kenny Southwick offered to provide campaign support. 


    Superintendent Hadfield shared information from the first two salary committee meetings.  The committee has looked at how much money the District needs in the bank.  The certified base salary has not been raised for several years.  One figure Dr. Hadfield is working with is a 2.15% increase including a move on the salary schedule and raising the base salary. 


    A possible construction timeline could be to hold an election in April 2013, bid the project in the fall 2013, construction in 2014 and 2015, and begin using the new facilities in the fall 2015.


    The Board authorized George K. Baum to draft ballot language for options 1 and 2 as discussed and present to the Board at their Special meeting on January 22, 2013.  Mrs. Barbour was absent but voiced an affirmative approval on the phone.


    Selynn disconnected from the meeting.


    B.              BOARD ROOM MICROPHONES

    Mrs. France updated the Board with approximate costs of equipping the Board Room with a sound system, a motorized screen recessed in the ceiling, and a ceiling-mounted projector.  The consensus of the Board was to look at this again in the future.  No action was taken at this time.


    BoardDocs was presented as a possible system to manage Board documents.  BoardDocs features cloud-based technology to provide a solution for managing the preparation, approval, and distribution of documents associated with eGovernance.  The Board requested further information, possibly in the form of a webinar.




    The Board reviewed budget amendments for this quarter.  Function 1221 moves money from Special Education supplies to textbooks for dictionaries.  Function 2210 puts additional funds in Tile II A, Professional Development.  This is due to an increase in allocation.  Function 1251 moves funds from General Other Purchased Services to specific buildings.  Function 2217 updates the budget for the 21st Century Grant.  The Board approved the budget amendments as submitted.




    A.                  PRESENTATION OF 2013-2014 SCHOOL CALENDAR OPTIONS

    Superintendent Hadfield provided a calendar as a starting point for the calendar committee.  Calendar committee groups have reviewed and revised.  These preliminary 2013-2014 school calendar options were provided.  These and other options will be considered during the upcoming month with a final recommendation for the Board at the February Board meeting.


    B.                  MSIP 5 UPDATE

    Dr. Henry and Dr. Hadfield updated the Board regarding preliminary MSIP 5 annual performance report results.  This data has been released to the public.  This presentation allowed for additional information to be shared and an opportunity for the Board to ask questions.  MSIP results will be based on the last three years of data.  The five standards include academic achievement, subgroup achievement, college and career readiness, attendance, and graduation rate.



    Dr. Hadfield updated the Board on the meetings of this committee during the above item, District Refinancing Options.



                    BOARD PRESIDENT’S WRAP-UP

    This is an opportunity for the Board to report on upcoming meetings, meetings attended, registrations, and deadlines.  The following items were discussed:

    ·         Legislative Forum, February 19, 2013.  Board members need to notify Linda if they want to attend.

    ·         Scheduled second January Board Meeting – January 22, 2013, 7:00 a.m.

    ·         Appointment of Board Member to Common Core Team, Jackie Schulte

    ·         Elegant Evening - Friday, April 19, 2013

    ·         Administration was directed to continue to explore a JROTC Program



    In compliance with State Statute 610.021 (closed meetings and closed records), the Board went into Executive Session for the following purposes:

    1)         Lease, purchase, or sale of real estate (610.021)(2).

    2)         Hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting particular employees (610.021)(3).

    3)     Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings, or records pertaining to employees (610.021)(13).

Last Modified on January 24, 2013