• Highlights of Board of Education Meeting

    April 27, 2012




    A.  Approve Regular Session Minutes and Documentation – April 9, 2012

                    B.  Approve Use of RC Worthan Auditorium

    Releve Dance Studio requested use of the RC Worthan Auditorium on June 8, 9, and 10th.  Due to the fact they are a ‘for profit’ group, the Board must consider this per policy.  Tentative approval has been given, but the Board is asked for their consideration.


    The Board approved the above consent items as presented.




    Recently the Symphony hosted the Luther College Symphony at the RC Worthan Auditorium.  Per District rental procedures the Symphony was charged $125 per hour for 7 hours for the rental of the RC Worthan Auditorium.  Two custodians were also on duty that evening and the Symphony was charged $18.50 for 7 hours for their time.  When an outside entity uses District facilities and charges admission rental fees apply.  The Symphony has requested the Board to waive these fees. 


    The Board consensus was to uphold current policy and procedures.





    Superintendent Hadfield reviewed insurance information.  He proposed that rates remain the same as the current year.


    Rates recommended as follows:

    ·         Employee Rate  (District-Paid)                                                                        $450

    ·         Spouse  (Employee Cost)                                                                                $420

    ·         Add One Child  (Employee Cost)                                                                   $185

    ·         Add Two or More Children  (Employee Cost)                                               $255

    ·         Add Family  (Employee Cost)                                                                     $605 or $675

                      Spouse + One Child or Spouse + Two or More Children


    ·         General Physician Office Visit                                                                          $30

    ·         Specialist Physician Office Visit                                                                       $40

    ·         Urgent Care Visit                                                                                               $30

    ·         Preventive Care                                                                                                    $0


    The deductible is $1,000 and co-insurance is $1,500. The Board approved rates, co-pays, deductible, and co-insurance as recommended.




    This is an opportunity for the Board to report on upcoming meetings, meetings attended, registrations, and deadlines.

    ·         MSBA Spring Region 8 Meeting – Selynn and Jackie shared information on the main topic of the evening, online courses.

    ·         Blair Grant Meeting – May 9

    ·         Teacher of the Year/Educator of the Year Banquet – May 8

    ·         Leadership Day – May 10, Nancy will attend.

    ·         Graduation – May 19

    ·         Parent Forum – May 15, 5:30 p.m., RC Worthan Auditorium

    ·         Education Foundation Meeting – May 1

    ·         Teacher of the Year Committee – Jackie expressed what a wonderful experience it was to be a part of this.

    ·         Legislation – President Masterson thanked Laura for sharing information with the Board regarding new legislation.




    In compliance with State Statute 610.021 (closed meetings and closed records), the Board went into Executive Session for the following purposes:

    1.     Legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving a public governmental body and any confidential or privileged communications between a public governmental body or its representatives and its attorneys (610.021)(1).

    2.     Lease, purchase, or sale of real estate (610.021)(2).

    3.     Hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting particular employees (610.021)(3).

    4.     Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees (610.021)(13).                    



    OPEN SESSION  (Continued)


    Budgetary issues were reviewed and Mr. Hadfield made a recommendation to establish classified staff benefits and a pay package for 2012-2013. 


    ·          1.4% increase on the regular hourly wage.

    ·          Continue funding regarding the sick leave reimbursement policy.

    ·          Continue medical and life insurance benefits provided by the District.


    The Board approved the 2012-2013 classified staff benefits and pay package with a 1.4% average increase in salaries as recommended.

Last Modified on April 30, 2012